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Marches Makers Festival 2024

Telling Book Art Stories

Showing art celebrating and expanding on what a book can be. We share and showcase our passion for creating unique book art works, where structure, content and materials unite to reflect their themes.

We tell stories of the Welsh border region and beyond, through a range of book arts forms from the simple concertina to more sculptural works. Our works variously feature printmaking, letterpress, calligraphy, papercutting, collage, photography, stitch and more.

We entice new and existing audiences to discover and enhance their joy of book arts and the chance to explore the possibilities of different structures. There will be demonstrations of simple structures, as well as the following workshops:

A creative introduction to book arts 2 -3.30pm Saturday 4 May

Make a flag book 110.30-noon Sunday 5 May

Make a "fishbone" artist's book 2-3.30pm Sunday 5 May

Cost £25 each with use of tools and all materials provided. 16+ only

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